
an exploration of the diversity of life through NFTs

Lady ✨
2 min readApr 24, 2021


  • Collection Description
  • Collection Links
  • Category Breakdown
  • The Math

Collection Description:

I’m a taxonomist at heart and a naturalist as a result. If you were to go on a hike or walk with me, it would likely take hours, mainly because I have to stop to look at every beautiful creature I see (especially if I don’t know it yet) and swipe a picture.

I have years of photographs from countless trips that have been sitting in a flash drive, never to be seen, until now.

My goal is to showcase the beautiful and diverse creatures of this Earth while teaching the NFT community about their biology and life history.

This is a limited series. The total number of creations, 121, was determined based on the total number of described species on Earth (approximates).

Needless to say, I am a data geek.

I have only considered critters that I could potentially capture in my life within Domain Eukaryota. Turns out that’s still a lot of critters.

1,815,086 species

to be approximately exact.

snow plant NFT & unedited photograph.

Note: when you purchase from this collection you unlock a download link to the original, unedited photograph, of which you’ll have commercial rights.

Collection Links:

Category Summary:

Animals = 83 / 121 (69%)
Plants = 30 / 121 (25%)
Fungi = 8 / 121 (7%)

The Math

In order to maintain the approximate ratio of species and ensure every category had at least one representative, one percent (1%) was added to each category. Each percentage was then rounded up using the tenth decimal (at 0.5 thresholds) to create the supply number. Animals (Kingdom Animalia) are listed in orange. Plants (Kingdom Plantae) are listed in green. Fungi (Kingdom Fungi)are listed in purple. There is one other Kingdom within Domain Eukaryota (Protista), however, as mentioned above, encountering them to photograph them is unlikely — especially outside of academia.



Lady ✨
Lady ✨

Written by Lady ✨

Exploring the nexus of content, community, and creativity. Join the journey to reimagine narratives and foster vibrant connections. ✨ #CommunityBuilder

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